Research Article
Reproductive Biotechnology Tools as a Game Changer for the Dairy Sector: The Case of Sexed Semen and Estrus Synchronization to Produce Seedstock Dairy Heifers
Volume 8, Issue 3, September 2024
27 April 2024
20 May 2024
29 July 2024
Abstract: Human curiosity about the sexual orientation of living things has a long history. For thousands of years, livestock owners wanted to find a suitable way to predict the sex of the progeny to be born for their herds on their farm. Thanks to the development of semen sexing technology, animal breeding has undergone a revolution, which allows farmers to control the sex of their offspring. Sexed semen enhances overall productivity and also assists farmers in meeting the rising demand for high-quality dairy animals by enabling them to selectively generate seedstock female calves. The technology is a one-stop solution to enhance breed improvement especially in a country like Ethiopia where 97 percent of the cattle population is indigenous, which is not selected for milk production and results in undernourishment for animal source origin diet, including milk and meat. The benefits of using sexed semen include sex selection, improved genetic selection, enhanced breeding effectiveness, better control over herd dynamics, greater financial gains, environmental sustainability, and improved animal welfare. Hence, with the finding of this study, an overall result of a 98% response rate 95% female skewness, and 79% conception rate was recorded after being inseminated with sexed semen. The finding of the response rate is closer to the results reported by another researcher, while the average conception rate is comparatively higher. This could be due to careful animal selection, the use of fertile quality semen, proper heat detection, and inseminating at an optimum window of time. In general, from the piece of this study, it is possible to foresee and conclude that the adoption and application of sexed semen technology is a groundbreaking and game-changer technology for the dairy industry in a country like Ethiopia, which overcomes the limitations of improved crossbred dairy cattle, replacement heifers, and high milk prices on the one hand, a shortage of grazing land, and environmental destruction due to a decreasing number of unwanted cattle population on the other side.
Abstract: Human curiosity about the sexual orientation of living things has a long history. For thousands of years, livestock owners wanted to find a suitable way to predict the sex of the progeny to be born for their herds on their farm. Thanks to the development of semen sexing technology, animal breeding has undergone a revolution, which allows farmers to...
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Research Article
Assessment of Beekeeping Practice and Its Constraints in Cheha Woreda of Gurage Zone
Kedir Adem*
Volume 8, Issue 3, September 2024
13 August 2024
5 September 2024
23 September 2024
Abstract: The objective of this study was to assess the potential of beekeeping and its practice taking place, constraints affecting the beekeeping practice of the area. For this study, 20 households were selected randomly, with the total of 60 households. Both primary and secondary source of data was collected. The primary data were collected mainly from interviews and by observation, whereas secondary data were collected from Chaha Woreda Agricultural office. Further more, visits to the districts were taken to gather relevant information for the study prior to actual survey. The results of this study show that, out of the respondents, 51 were male headed households whereas the rest 9 households were female headed. Majority of household in the area was from 20-60 years old indicating that, active working force is dominant in the study area. In relation to educational level, 20% of the respondents were illiterate and the remaining had got at least basic education quantitatively, 18.33%, 28.33% and 13.33% of the respondents had attended elementary school, secondary and high school, respectively. Beekeeping is an ancient farming activity and practiced as a side line with other farm activities. Based on the type of hives and management practiced, three types of beekeeping are yet visible in the area. There was no significant variation in proportion of hives among the study kebeles. However, Sisenamati, which was lower in number of transitional hive, has shown relatively high potential with modern hive followed by warden. Adoshe was better in potential of transitional hive but has lower number of modern hive. Out of householders, 53.4%, 30.6%, 9.4% and 6.6% state that they have place traditional hive under the roof of the house, hanging on trees, inside the house and back yard respectively.
Abstract: The objective of this study was to assess the potential of beekeeping and its practice taking place, constraints affecting the beekeeping practice of the area. For this study, 20 households were selected randomly, with the total of 60 households. Both primary and secondary source of data was collected. The primary data were collected mainly from in...
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Research Article
The Potential of Three Vetch Species in Enhancing Feed Intake and Body Weight Gain of Growing Male Lambs
Berhanu Tassew Dassie*
Volume 8, Issue 3, September 2024
21 August 2024
7 September 2024
23 September 2024
Abstract: An experiment was intended to evaluate the potential of three vetch species in enhancing feed intake and body weight gain of growing male lambs and to investigate the difference among these three vetch species regarding their effect of supplementation on feed utilization and growth performance of growing male lambs. Twenty-four young male Arsi-Bale lambs of similar body weight were assigned to one of the four treatments in a randomized complete block design. The dietary treatments were 350 g of hay each of Vicia sativa, Vicia Villosa, and Vicia narbonensis for T2, T3, and T4, and ad libitum fodder oat hay alone (T1). Weight measurements of the lambs were made every ten days during the ninety-day feeding trial. Compared to T1 and T3, T2's total dry matter intake (1121.4 g/day) was substantially (P<0.05) greater. Lambs fed T2 diets showed significantly higher (P<0.001) crude protein intake (153.3 g/day) and average daily body weight increase (152.0 g/day). In conclusion, supplementation with Vicia sativa (T2) resulted in the highest feed intake and growth performance of lambs across all treatments. As a result, efforts should be undertaken to introduce and expand the production of this forage within the farming system.
Abstract: An experiment was intended to evaluate the potential of three vetch species in enhancing feed intake and body weight gain of growing male lambs and to investigate the difference among these three vetch species regarding their effect of supplementation on feed utilization and growth performance of growing male lambs. Twenty-four young male Arsi-Bale...
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Research Article
Evaluation of Egg Production, Fertility, Hatchability, Embryonic Mortality and Chick Quality of Different Chickens
Shambel Taye Fulla*
Atsbaha Hailemariam Gebreslassie
Volume 8, Issue 3, September 2024
28 August 2024
13 September 2024
26 September 2024
Abstract: The present study was evaluated the egg production performance, fertility, hatchability, embryonic mortality and chick quality from Cosmopolitan (C), Improved Horro (H), ♂Improved Horro*Cosmopolitan ♀ (HC), ♂ Cosmopolitan*Improved Horro ♀ (CH), Indigenous (L), and Koekoek (KK) genotypes. A Completely randomized design was used in the study. A total of 1800 eggs and 300 eggs of each genotype were used for the hatchability and fertility trials. A total of 360 chicks and 60 chicks of each genotype were used for chick quality study. A total of 720 genotypes (5female: 1 male) and 120 from each genotype were used for egg production. Age at first egg and age at peak varied across genotypes. KK had the highest egg production followed by CH, H, CH and C but L had the lowest egg production. KK had the highest weight and feed intake followed by HC, HC, and C, whereas had the lowest followed by H. Feed conversion ratio varied among genotypes. H had the highest egg fertility followed by CH. Conversely, C, HC, L and KK chicken genotypes were comparable and had the least egg fertility. H and CH showed the highest hatchability from set egg, whereas L showed the lowest hatchability from set egg followed by the intermediate KK, HC and C. CH indicated the highest hatchability from fertile egg set, while L confirmed that the lowest hatchability from fertile egg set followed by the intermediate KK, HC and C. The overall embryonic mortality of L was the highest, but CH had significantly lowest overall embryonic mortality followed by KK, HC and C. Chicks hatched from KK had the highest chick weight and chick length, but chicks hatched from L had the least chick weight and chick length. Eggs of L had the highest percentage egg weight yield followed by KK, whereas the CH, C, HC and H had intermediate yield percent during incubation. Conclusively: The genotype differences of hens substantially influenced egg production performance, fertility, embryonic mortality, hatchability and chick quality.
Abstract: The present study was evaluated the egg production performance, fertility, hatchability, embryonic mortality and chick quality from Cosmopolitan (C), Improved Horro (H), ♂Improved Horro*Cosmopolitan ♀ (HC), ♂ Cosmopolitan*Improved Horro ♀ (CH), Indigenous (L), and Koekoek (KK) genotypes. A Completely randomized design was used in the study. A total...
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Research Article
Field Assessment of Major Livestock Diseases and Health Management Practices in Assosa Zone Areas
Betelihem Yirdaw*
Volume 8, Issue 3, September 2024
25 July 2024
16 August 2024
26 September 2024
Abstract: A preliminary disease survey in livestock and health management practices comprising cattle, goats, and poultry was undertaken. This study was conducted to identify livestock diseases, determine the method of diagnosis, and evaluate the disease management system within the period of 2020 to 2022. A semi-structural questionnaire was developed. 86 animal owners, who have large number of animals, participated in three districts Assosa, Bambasi, and Homosha each consisting of 52, 18, and 16 respondents respectively. The mean average number of cattle, goats, and poultry per farm was 10.1, 10.8, and 2003.3 in that order. According to respondents 93% of tell us the first disease was trypanosmiasis, followed by parasites 70.9%. Newcastle disease 75.6% of respondents was the most common disease in poultry, and Peste des petites ruminants (46.5% of respondents) was the most common in small ruminants. Most respondents explained that there was low satisfaction in veterinary supply. In Homosha, Assosa and Bambasi district identification of diseases diagnosis only by clinical sign was 100%, 80.7% and 33.3% respectively. Season of outbreak vary according to diseases type and infected species. The majority of goat and sheep outbreaks occurred in the winter (keremt) and autumn, but cattle outbreaks were prevalent in the spring followed by summer (bega). The total morbidity was 16.8% and total mortality was 7.1%. In Bambasi, the average morbidity was 2.8% and average mortality was 0.1%. The morbidity in Homosha was 62.5% and mortality was 26.1%. In Assosa districts the morbidity was 7.6% and mortality 3.7%. The morbidity of cattle was 13.2% and mortality was 5.5%. The morbidity of goat was 51.7% and mortality was 23.3 %. The morbidity in poultry farms was 26.8% and mortality 11.2%. This Study revealed that there were different disease outbreaks in the Assosa zone and management in livestock Production is poorly practiced. This is the greatest threat to livestock production and productivity. Therefore, preventive measures should be taken to sustain livestock health.
Abstract: A preliminary disease survey in livestock and health management practices comprising cattle, goats, and poultry was undertaken. This study was conducted to identify livestock diseases, determine the method of diagnosis, and evaluate the disease management system within the period of 2020 to 2022. A semi-structural questionnaire was developed. 86 an...
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Research Article
Effect of Integrated Application of Vermicompost and Inorganic Fertilizers on Yield and Yield Components of Bread Wheat in Adami Tulu Jido Kombolcha District of East Showa Zone, Ethiopia
Mekonnen Workineh*,
Kasahun Kitila
Volume 8, Issue 3, September 2024
1 July 2024
11 September 2024
29 September 2024
Abstract: A field experiment was conducted at Adami Tulu Agricultural Research Center during 2022 cropping season to evaluate the responses of vermin compost and inorganic fertilizers on bread wheat (Triticum aestivum). The experiment consists of eight treatments: T1= Control (without fertilizer), T2=50% RNP+4t/ha VC, T3= 50% RNP+ 8t/ha VC, T4=100% RNP, T5= 4t/ha VC, T6= 8t/ha VC, T7= 100% RNP+ 4t/ha VC, T8=100% RNP+8t/ha VC. The result revealed that grain yield affected by combined application of these two fertilizes. There are gradual changes in some major soil parameters have statistically affected by combined application of vermin compost and inorganic fertilizer. Accordingly maximum grain yield (4596.3kg/ha) was recorded from T2 where 50% recommended NP+4t/ha VC where as the lowest grain yield (2109.3kg/ka) was from control plot. Lastly partial budget analysis was also calculated to determine best treatment combination for future farther use. Accordingly maximum net benefit (155,870.50ETB) was obtained from T2 where 50% recommended NP+4t/ha VC was combined. Therefore this treatment was used as best treatment combination for this area, for this crop, it needed for large scale soil fertility management and increasing land productivity.
Abstract: A field experiment was conducted at Adami Tulu Agricultural Research Center during 2022 cropping season to evaluate the responses of vermin compost and inorganic fertilizers on bread wheat (Triticum aestivum). The experiment consists of eight treatments: T1= Control (without fertilizer), T2=50% RNP+4t/ha VC, T3= 50% RNP+ 8t/ha VC, T4=100% RNP, T5= ...
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